Saturday, June 20, 2020

Juneteenth, prints created by African American printmakers in honor of Harriet Tubman.

In recognition of the importance of Juneteenth, Athraigh Print Studio presents a small exhibit of prints created by African American printmakers in honor of Harriet Tubman:

Harriet Tubman, American, 1822 - 1913
albumen and silver on photographic paper on card mount
Collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture shared with the Library of Congress

Margaret Taylor Burroughs
Harriet Tubman, 2001

Margaret Taylor Burroughs
Harriet Tubman, 1953

Charles White
Exodus I: Black Moses (Harriet Tubman), 1951
Linocut on paper

Elizabeth Catlett
In Harriet Tubman I Helped Hundreds to Freedom
1946, printed 1989

Elizabeth Catlett
Harriet, 1975

Elizabeth Catlett
Untitled (Harriet Tubman), 1953

 Please check out the YouTube version:

For more on the printmakers, please go to:

If you wish to view higher res images of this or any of the past posts please visit the Athraigh Print Studio 
