Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19

Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19

Remember to embrace that self-isolation, social distancing and while you are at it – continue to learn more about printmaking. Athraigh Printmaking Studio will be publishing a series of small exhibitions to keep you learning…

Hey did you catch the latest videos?

Joel Elgin, Athraigh Studio. Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19. A Series of Small Exhibitions: Anders Zorn

Joel Elgin, Athraigh Studio. Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19. A Series of Small Exhibitions: Marc Chagall

Thanks for reading!
...want to read more?
Athraigh Print Studio Web Page:

Athraigh Print Studio YouTube Page:

Monday, March 23, 2020

A Series of Small Exhibitions: Elizabeth Catlett

Time to take a brief departure from the posts regarding influence and attend to a pressing contemporary event that is affecting us all.

During the run of the COVID - 19 virus, Athraigh Print Studio will present a series of small video exhibitions to provide distraction and to foster the understanding/appreciation of printmaking.

The second Exhibition, 

Joel Elgin, Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19. A Series of Small Exhibitions: Elizabeth Catlett

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19. A Series of Small Exhibitions:

Time to take a brief departure from the posts regarding influence and attend to a pressing contemporary event that is affecting us all.

During the run of the COVID - 19 virus, Athraigh Print Studio will present a series of small video exhibitions to provide distraction and to foster the understanding/appreciation of printmaking.

The initial Exhibition, 

Joel Elgin, Athraigh Studio. Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19. A Series of Small Exhibitions: Sigmund Abeles.

Is currently airing on YouTube at: