Friday, April 17, 2020

Joel Elgin, Athraigh Studio. Printmaking in the Time of COVID-19. A Series of Small Exhibitions: Earl Klein

COVID – 19 has left me with some extra time to ponder not only printmaking but politics, as a result let me introduce you to:


The cartoon Super President ran for thirty episodes on Saturday mornings from 1967 to 1968.

As a result of having been caught in a cosmic rainstorm, James Norcross, President of the United States, could change his molecules to any form he wanted. He also possessed super strength and the power of flight. He had a bumbling VP, who he often had to save.

Sound good?  It wasn’t, creator David DePatie quoted: "I think it was really the worst thing we've ever made. It was a real turkey…”

Printmaker Earl Klein worked on Super President as a Director.

Earl Klein (1915 – 1993) was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He studied at the Cleveland School of Art and the Chicago Art Institute. He moved to LA in 1940 and spent the next 20 years working as an animator and producer.

During his time in LA, he continued to make prints. The aquatint, Compassion, caught my eye. The print expresses an attribute that even more clearly now in this time of COVID – 19, our own current, not super president, lacks…

Aquatint, 1950

Ghandi 1960

Night-Time in the City,
open bite aquatint and etching, 1961 

 (American) Beach Scene
etching and aquatint

So I leave you with another image of Super President and a few links to learn more:

Please check out the video version of this post:

Stay well and learn about prints!